Top 12 Advanced Split Training Programs

 Top 12 Advanced Split Training Programs

Top 12 Advanced Split Training Programs
Top 12 Advanced Split Training Programs

The Best 12 Split Training Plans: Reach Your Maximum Potential in 2023

Take your fitness fitness to the next level with these 12 split training plans to achieve maximum physical performance and reach your best self in 2023. Passing through your body the ultimate training for superior physical outlook!

If the fundamental programs of split training are already quite effective for any given individual, the advanced programs are a notch higher for people who are already past their learning curve as to when, where, and how they should work out.
The programs made this possible by allocating different days of the week for different muscle groups to keep the growth and healing process optimal and allow you to get the most out of the possible workout routines and reach the full potential of your muscles.

The year 2023 training splits can be highly challenging and stimulating, so in the detailed article below, you will unveil 12 types of split training schedules for advanced level along with workout routines, equipment needs, practical tips about nutrition and recovery.
Regardless of whether you want to gain muscles, lose fat, or just get in better shape these programs are perfect to get you started and start you off on the right direction.

1. 4-Day Full Body Split
The idea of 4-day full body split is most suitable for those people who aim to train more often within several days.
This way, the muscles will be stimulated and built full body workout in each session every other day throughout the week.
A typical split may consist of:

- Day 1: Warehouses, forklifts, squat thrusts, chest flys, bent-column rows, letter ‘P’ raises, and dead weight lifts
- Day 2: Squat, deadlifts, barbell rows, military press, pull-ups and leg presses
- Day 3: Rest day or cardio
- Day 4: Squats, bench press, pull-ups, leg press and lateral raise

By following this routine, you will ensure that you work out on every part of your muscles as you save both time and energy.

2. 3-Day Upper/Lower Split
This split really comes in handy if one desires to train the specific area of his body on the specific day of the week. A 3-day upper/lower split may look like this:

- Day 1: Chest/forechest, back, shoulders and arms.
- Day 2: Lower body (legs and glutes)
- Day 3: Rest or cardio
- Day 4: Repeat upper/lower split

Thus, you have an opportunity to split you upper body and lower body muscles into different days of training, thus helping you recover faster and grow muscles bigger.

3. 4-Day Push/Pull/Leg Split
The 4-day push/pull/ leg split is as you can see a fairly proper approach in regard to the balanced growth of your muscles. This split is where you perform pushing exercises such as the chest, shoulders, and triceps on one day and pulling exercises such as the back and biceps on the next day and then use a third day to train your legs. A sample schedule may look like this:

- Day 1: Push (chest, shoulder and tricep)
- Day 2: Pull (back and biceps)
- Day 3: Legs
- Day 4: Rest or cardio
- Day 5: Repeat push/pull/leg split

4. 5-Day Upper/Lower Split
This upper lower split workout schedule separates your upper body and your lower body and do it in 5 days for the best muscle building results. The workout routine may look like this:

- Day 1: Table 14 Upper body (chest, back, shoulders, and arms)
- Day 2: Lower body (legs and glutes)
- Day 3: Rest or cardio
- Day 4: Upper limbs such as chest, back, shoulder, and arms…
- Day 5: Lower body (legs and glutes)
- Day 6: Rest

This routine allows the target muscles to have equal and probably more proportional workout and rest.

5. 4-Day Muscle Group Split
This 4-day split make it easier for you to concentration on the various groups of muscles in your body when exercising. A typical workout schedule might include:

- Day 1: Chest and triceps
- Day 2: Back and biceps
- Day 3: Legs and calves
- Day 4: Shoulders and abs
- Day 5: Rest or cardio

This is beneficial in that it can enable you to hit every muscle in your body with accuracy and therefore enable you to see great growth and development.

6. Day One- HIIT Split – 3 Days
If you are one of the many who thrive on shorter, more focused sessions, then this HIIT split is right for you. The routine may look like this:

- Day 1: Doing HIIT on the whole body for about 20minutes, the aerobic exercises are done in succession with short intervals of break.
- Day 2: Light aerobic exercise.
- Day 3: Repeat full-body HIIT workout
- Day 4: Rest
- Day 5: Repeat 3-day HIIT split

7. 4-Day Powerlifting Split
For strength obsessed lifters, this powerlifting split is best applied over four days. A typical schedule may include:

- Day 1: Squat and deadlift
- Day 2: The bench press and the overhead press
- Day 3: Rest or cardio
- Day 4: Repeat squats and deadlifts
- Day 5: A repeat the bench press, overhead press
- Day 6: Rest

This split will enable you to devote majority of your workouts on the compound exercises to create strength and power in key areas.

8. 5-Day Bodybuilding Split
As it is four hours a day and five days a week, it is most suitable for those involved in body building profession. A typical workout routine may look like this:

- Day 1: Chest and triceps
- Day 2: Back and biceps
- Day 3: Rest or cardio
- Day 4: Legs and calves
- Day 5: Shoulders and abs
- Day 6: Rest

9. 4-Day Hybrid Split
This 4 day split is a modification of the classic upper/lower split and the push/pull/leg split schedule. A sample schedule might look like this:

- Day 1: Upper body (push)
- Day 2: Lower body (legs)
- Day 3: Rest or cardio
- Day 4: Upper body (pull)
- Day 5: Repeat upper/lower split
- Day 6: Rest

Each of the routines in this tome are designed to develop muscles of the upper body and lower body in equal measure.

10. 6-Day Beginner Split
In the next part of this article, I present a 6-day beginner split suitable for those who seek to establish a weekly training rhythm. A typical workout plan may include:

- Day 1: Chest and triceps
- Day 2: Back and biceps
- Day 3: Legs and calves
- Day 4: Shoulders and abs
- Day 5: Repeat chest and triceps
- Day 6: Repeat back and biceps
- Day 7: Rest

11. 3-Day Workhorse Split
If you want a tough workout schedule then it’s in the 3 day workhorse split and it is perfect for the tough guys out there. It calls for a split in which the major body parts muscles are worked on at least two times every week in order to cater for their growth to the entire extent. A sample routine may look like this:

- Day 1: Bench press, squats and Dead lifts
- Day 2: Rest or cardio
- Day 3: Repeat bench press, squats and deadlift & more
- Day 4: Rest
- Day 5: Repeat 3-day workhorse split

12. 5-Day CrossFit Split
If you are a fan of a heavy workout and a rich training schedule then this 5-day CrossFit split will fit you perfectly. A sample routine might include:

- Day 1: Full-body CrossFit workout
- Day 2: Light exercise or active rest (rest).
- Day 3: Full-body CrossFit workout
- Day 4: Rest
- Day 5: Repeater Full body Cross Fit exercise
- Day 6: Rest
- Day 7: Repeat 5-day CrossFit split

Therefore, an advance split training program of your choice is likely to change your entire outlook towards fitness and development in equal proportions.
No matter if you are into full body workouts or body part training, these twelve cutting edge split training programs provide numerous ways we can improve our training in the year 2023 and beyond.
So, buckle up and be prepared for the time to work out beyond what you’ve been traditionally used to share your body as never before!

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