By far and large the most optimal and popular IF time management are the following 7 intermittent fasting schedules for gym enthusiasts.
Intermittent fasting has recently gained much popularity as one of the trends that modern gym-goers follow.
The dieting and an exercise program are not only helpful in making a person to lose weight and lose fat, but also improve health and fitness.
In this article I will discuss the complete 7 best intermittent fasting plans for fitness clubs and their motivations behind a dream physique.
1. The Leangains Protocol:
Coined by Martin Berkhan, Leangains is a time-restricted eating plan for which you consume your meals in a window of 8 hours and abstain from food for the next 16 hours.
That is why this protocol is most suitable for individuals physically active, especially in the gym, practicing resistance training or HIIT.
16 hours without food is great because it keeps your body in the fat-burning ketosis if you adhere to the recommended meals and snacks list.
If you wish to stick to the Leangains protocol, you should make it a point to have your last meal in the evening and then don’t eat till the next lunch.
2. The 16/8 Method:
It is also called the “Hexagonal” method, and the 16/8 intermittent fasting schedule is an accessible way of eating.
I am going to describe an eating strategy in which you consume your food throughout the day and have your last meal at 8 PM, thus, you will eat no more than 16 hours a day or eat all the required calories within a day in the next 8 hours.
This time you can take black coffee, water and any other non-calorieated beverages during this time period. This protocol is thus ideal for those who perform weight lifting and other exercises that involve resistance training in that this helps your body turn to stored fat as its primary fuel source.
3. The Eat-Stop-Eat Method:
In the Eat-Stop-Eat fasting plan, there is no specific timing involved, and you just fast once or maybe twice a week.
This personal fasting schedule includes no breakfast, lunch or dinner but drinks water, black coffee or teas for every 24 hours.
This method will suit a number of gym goers who want to have restricted calorie intake on some days of a week and the need to eat sporadically the other days.
This holds especially for those people who carry out low impact exercises including yoga, cycling or any cardio exercises.
4. The Alternate-Day Fasting Method:
Essentially, the alternate-day fasting plan seeks to direct you to feast and fast but not at a single time.
For example, one could had his or her daily calorie intake on the first day then went on a fasting spree for the subsequent 24 hours.
You are allowed to take water, black coffee and tea when observing the fasting days.
This form of fasting is particularly effective for those who are physically active but have a rather tight schedule and can’t pin themselves down to strict dieting.
5. The 5:2 Diet:
The 5:The 2 diet is a form of intermittent fasting whereby you have to eat for 5 days in a week and fast for 2 other days that are not consecutive.
During the fasting period, one is supposed to take between 500 – 600 calories, but to be more specific, you should take nutrient-dense foods including non-starchy vegetables, lean sources of protein, and healthy fats.
This diet is perfect for sports people who attend gym workouts regularly and vice versa those people who wish to lose fats but maintain muscle mass.
6. The Warrior Diet:
Simply stated, the Warrior Diet was created by Ori Hofmekler, which means that you can consume food on a 4 hour chunk of time and go without food for the next 20 hour chunk.
This fasting plan is good for those people who exercise at night because they will be able to eat their meal at evening before exercising.
You gain muscles and lose fats through the Warrior Diet since the meals enhance an anabolic period during the feeding period but a catabolic period during the fasting period.
7. The Spontaneous Meal Skipping Method:
On the same note, the Spontaneous Meal Skipping does not involve a set schedule of fasting, but rather fits a meal skipping in a day at random intervals.
In particular, this plan fits well those who have no strict schedule for attending the gym, and train at different time of the day.
Skipping meals makes your body remain in a fasting state for longer than usual hence burning the fat and helping your body become sensitive to insulin.
No matter if you’re an experienced frequenter of the gym or a beginner, there is no reason not to try including intermittent fasting into your life for your fitness and well being goals.
The best fasting plan is one that is possible, comfortable and in harmony with other activities like exercising.
And as usual, always always, it is always always recommended to consult with your health care professional prior to adopting any new diet regime on your list to try.