Top 7 Warm-Up Routines for Beginners
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Top 7 Warm-Up Routines for Beginners |
Do you have some questions about what warm up to do when you are a beginner and want to improve your performance and avoid injuries? Look no further!
Below are the 7 most effective warm-up exercises for a beginner to start your workout session.
7 Common Warm-Up Sets For Novices That Can Help to Improve Results and Avoid Injuries
This is probably the most important form of preparations prior to engaging in any form of exercises especially to new comers, warm-ups.
A good warm up loosens up the muscles in preparation for the workout session, increases circulation and gets the heart pumping.
It is beneficial in so far as it enhances your efficiency and IS an essential tool in avoiding accidents.
In fact, it is heart-recommended to perform a good warm up to assist in preventing disappointment from a poor workout session.
It can be a herculean task to decide which warm up routine to use especially if you are new to most of them but worry not, we have the best 7 warm up routines for starters. So let's dive right in!
1. Here, the full body warm up being presented as a 10-Minute Full Body Warm-Up.
This is a perfect start for the beginners because it targets all the biggest muscle groups and takes less than 10 minutes. Here's how to do it:
a. Jogging in place: But before you do your exercises, jog in place for 2 minutes to warm up the muscles and get the heart pumping.
b. Jumping jacks: Do thirty jumping jacks to exercise most parts of the body.
c. Arm circles: Spread your arms away from each other from the shoulder joints and rotate them in a single direction 30 times.
d. Torso twists: Interlocking your hands behind your back with your feet spaced one shoulder-width apart, twist your torso to the right and left for 30 seconds.
e. Leg swings: Stance with your feet hip-width apart, using the chair or wall for support then wag each leg 30 seconds each.
f. Butt kicks: Jump up and down with your legs lifted and bend your knees until your heels touches your buttocks for 30 seconds.
g. High knees: While jogging in a place pump your knees towards your chest in a 30 seconds period.
h. Ankles: Swivel your legs in circular motions at the ankles – in clockwise and counter clockwise direction for a duration of 30 seconds each.
2. The 5-Minute Mobility Warm-Up
This routine is a warm up of your joints needed in enhancing flexibility in your body. Here's how to perform it:
a. Neck rolls: Rotate your head from side to side, clockwise, and counter clockwise for 30 seconds.
b. Shoulder shrugs: Place your shoulders toward the ears and later on relax for the next 30seconds.
c. Chest stretch: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and put your palms together at your lower back and lift them for 30seconds.
d. Hip circles: Start turning with your hips while bending your knees a little then turn for 30 seconds clockwise then counter clockwise.
e. Ankle circles: Stand and rotate your ankles in a clockwise and counter clockwise manner for at least 30 seconds.
3. The below heading is the exact title of the concept that is under critique: Freeing Up: The 5-Minute Breathing Warm-Up
Breathing is prerequisite for doing any work and this warm up routine will help one to concentrate on the right breath to take. Here's what to do:
a. Diaphragmatic breathing: If a man wants to check his breathing, he should lie down, put one hand on the sternum and the other hand underneath it. Take some nice, deep breaths and make sure that your stomach is extended when you are inhaling and your chest when you are exhaling. Perform this for 3 minutes.
b. Box breathing: You can sit or stand relaxed and then for 4 seconds, inhale, for another 4 seconds, hold your breath, for 4 seconds exhale, and then again hold your breath for another 4 seconds. Repeat this for 2 minutes.
4. Ten Minuter Dynamic Stretching Warm-Up
Performing dynamic stretching is a really effective way of warming up the muscles in preparation for activity by actively maneuvering them through the complete spectrum of the ellipse. Here's how to perform this routine:
a. Arm swings: Spread your arms in front of you, gently move them up and down for 30 seconds and then move your arms in circles for other 30 seconds.
b. Leg swings: Lift one leg twelve inches off the ground and return to the floor then move it to the front and backward for half a minute. Switch legs and repeat.
c. Quad stretches: Balance with the left leg and while holding the position pull the right heel up toward the buttocks for 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.
d. Calf stretches: Raise right foot and stand on it; then move left foot forward to touch the ground, and feel the pull of the calf muscles. Do this for thirty seconds before swapping your legs.
e. Tricep stretches: Standing behind your head extend one arm above your head with the elbow flexed and using the opposite hand grasp your flexed elbow and pull towards your opposite shoulder. Complete 3 sets of 30 seconds pull ups with opposite hands.
f. Chest stretches: Interlock your fingers and bend at the wrists so that your arms are beside you and your palms are facing the floor; lift your arms slightly, stretching the chest muscles. Hold for 30 seconds.
5. 5 Active Isolated Stretching Warm-Up Warm-Up
Active isolated stretching is a form of stretching that targets on individual muscles and no specific stretch is held for more than 2- 3 seconds. Here's how to perform this routine:
a. Hamstring stretch: Stand beside a chair and put one leg on to the chair while the other leg is straight. Bend your legs down towards your feet, pause at this position for two to three seconds, and then let go.
b. Hip flexor stretch: Take position with your right foot placed to the right side while the left foot placed close to the right but facing forward then, try bringing your left knee to touch your chest. Wait for 2-3 seconds and then swap the legs.
c. Adductor stretch: Stand still and hold one leg from its ankle by placing the ankle up on any chair. Bend forward tilting your body towards your knee to further feel the inner thigh stretch. Wait for 2-3 seconds before changing the legs.
d. Lat stretch: Take the position as described above like standing with legs apart and hand the arm of the side of your body opposite to the leg of the side that is behind down your side to stretch lat muscle. Be still for 2-3 seconds before changing a position.
e. Quadriceps stretch: Standing, take one leg and bend it and then put your hand around your ankle and try to bring it up behind your buttocks. Wait for 2- 3 seconds while in the new position before repeating the process with the other legs.
6. more > Warm Up – The 5-Minute Foam Rolling Warm-Up
A foam roller is an excellent tool for joint and muscle mobilization and helping to achieve increased flexibility. Here's how to use a foam roller:
a. Upper back: position: lying on the back of your body, put the foam roller on the superior aspect of your back horizontally and use it to roll yourself for 30 seconds side to side.
b. Hamstrings: Sitting on the edge of a bench or table, it is necessary to lie with your hips. Put the foam roller just above the hamstrings and move it up and down for half a minute.
c. Glutes: Laying on your stomach, positioning the roller in a perpendicular position to you, parallel to the back, on the buttocks area, then sliding side to side for the next 30 seconds.
d. Quads: and lay on the floor, put the foam roller underneath the quads and move side to side for 30 sec.
e. Calves: Stand with your back to the tree and sit down on your legs in front of it. For the calves, position the roller beneath your lower leg and move it in forward and backward motion for 30 seconds.
7. The 10-Minute Yoga Warm-Up
It is a great exercise form to use in warming up your muscles and at the same time conscious breathing and flexibility. Here's a beginner-friendly sequence:
a. Mountain pose: You stand with your back straight, think about your breathing, and exercise your sensations, connecting with the energy of the earth rising up through your feet into your body.
b. Standing forward bend: Take a deep breath and slowly go to lift arms up while exhaling, you should bend your body at the hips moving head toward the knees, keeping spine straight.
c. Cat-cow: In this position, it is on the tables, or on the floor on your hands and on your knees, you take turns lifting your back (Cow pose) and then rounding your back (Cat pose) while you breathe.
d. Downward-facing dog: Breathe in deeply, then ‘roll’ your hips up toward the ceiling so your legs form what can only be describe as the bottom half of an ‘ upside down ’ ‘V’.
e. Child's pose: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and squat down so that you’re sitting onto your heels, then take your hands and extend them forward in front of you to reach for the ground with your chest.
f. Warrior I: Start with your feet apart at shoulder width apart, raise your arms up to the side of your body.
g. Tree pose: Stand with one foot on a block, and as you bend the standing knee, place the sole of your other foot on your inner thigh or calf.
h. Bridge pose: Lay flat on the back, pull the knees up and move the toes toward the buttocks and then try and raise the hips off the ground whilst the shoulder remains flat on the floor.
Top 12 Ways to Stay Motivated During Gym Breaks
Ways to warm up are very important to every beginner in order to achieve good performance with increased probabilities of getting injuries.
Top 7 warm-up routines: examples above are carefully chosen to offer a variety of warm-up options to fulfil anyone’s need.
Select warm up exercise that relates to the type of exercise you are going to do and keep on increasing the level of warming during exercise. Always have the ear to the body; do not force it if something hurts, then pause before proceeding.
Wishing you all joyous warm up and vigorous exercising ahead!