Top 15 Squat Routines to Build Stronge Legs
15 Most Effective Squat Programs For Developing Lower Body Mass – Gain Unbeatable Strength With These Exercises
Use these 15 expertly designed squat routines and increase your leg strength no matter what your fitness level is or what you aim to achieve.
Reach your target of writing between 1200-1500 words while still having a distinct article SEO optimization. Prepare for using the strongest part of your body – your legs!
Squats are one of the most basic exercises anyone can do in the gym or at home, they are great for developing massive legs and an overall well-rounded strength in the body, especially when it comes to physical activities such a football or weight lifting.
They act on many muscles; these are the quad muscles, hamstring muscles, glutes, calf muscles, and muscles in the belly and lower back.
In this article, you will uncover 15 squats programs so as to develop strong lower body muscles.
These routines are classified according to ability level and objective, thus you can get the optimal outcomes for your preferred word count of 1200-1500.
Also, we will give you some guidelines on how to get the most out of your squat workouts, the weird SEO tips to help your content rank out of the crowd.
1. Basic Barbell Back Squat
Start with the most fundamental exercise: the barbell back squat. Place a barbell in the upper back and bend at the hips to get to a near parallel squat position with the thighs.
Usually try to push with your heels as you swing your legs back to get you back into the standing position.
2. Bodyweight Goblet Squat
You have to do this exercise with a kettlebell or a heavy dumbbell pressed against your chest.
It is important not to let your knees go over your toes, bring the weights down until thy are level with your thighs.
3. To add to that, a Romanian Deadlift is followed by a Goblet Squat.
This compound exercise consists of a Romanian deadlift, and the second movement is a goblet squat.
This exercise is the combination of barbell or dumbbell raising, lowering into Romanian deadlift, followed by a goblet squat without putting down the weights.
4. Dumbbell Sumo Squat
For the sumo squat exercise, take two dumbbells and stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, feet turned out.
Bend the knees and lowering the hips just as if you are sitting back in a chair leaning forward on the heels of your feet.
5. Jump Squat
With jump squats, add some plyometric work to your routine. Bend your knees and crouch down slowly, spring forward while doing so.
Swing from the left and right side and as soon as the feet touches the ground jump again and return to the split stance.
6. Pause Squat
Do a standard barbell back squat, but hold for a couple of seconds at the bottom of the lift before pushing back up.
This pause allows theatening and balancing of strength for completion of the strain at the toughest part of the lift.
7. Bulgarian Split Squat
This one-leg exercise is handled with a bench or box. Place one foot on the bench behind, bend from the hips and bring your front upper thigh as parallel to the ground as possible.
Go back up to the initial position and right leg works on the opposite side.
8. Pistol Squat
The pistol squat is the one-legged squat exercise and is generally considered to be an advanced movement hitting mainly the hamstrings and the glutes.
Balancing on one leg with the other more than half bent carry out a squatting motion until one gets as low as he/she possibly can.
Start from the beginning and do the exercise on the opposite side.
9. Zercher Squat
Stand with a barbell across your chest so it is resting in the ‘V’ formed by your forearms.
This position alone moves the pressure little more towards middle of the body targeting the lower back muscles and abdomen.
10. Hex Bar Squat
The hex bar squat, often called trap bar squat, is a modification of the barbell back squat that gives a more natural action.
Place the hex bar securely and squat taking your time while lifting, ensuring your chest is up and your knees are behind the toes.
11. Kettlebell Goblet Squat
For the goblet squat, you need to hold a kettlebell or a dumbbell against your chest.
New to the webinar is the weight and movement of the kettlebell which targets different muscles in your core and lower body.
12. Front Squat
Now hold a barbell with your wrists bent forward slightly and your arms straight in front of your body.
Bending your knees and lowering your body gently to perform a squat place the bar bell just above your shoulder line.
Always, try to keep your chest up, and your knees moving in a straight line over your feet.
13. Barbell Safety Squat
It is kind of like the back squat and utilizes the safety bars to help with having the proper stance and added help.
Place the safety bars and then go lower down bending your knees but ensuring that your chest is up and your knees are over the toes.
14. Landmine Squat
Place an attachment to the landmine with a barbell, then lie your shoulder under it.
Bend at the knees and maintain the best posture and then return to the original position immediately.
15. Cage Squat
Take a barbell and load it in a squat rack such that the bar will be at mid chest level.
An aggressive squat is done by holding the bar at arm’s length on your upper back while bending your knees at a 90 degree angle without letting them go past your toes, and keep your chest up.
Here are 15 squat exercises that we have grouped and indexed according to different fitness abilities, targeting your lower body, and improving muscle and performance.
When done in the program and used with specific SEO tactics, your article will be different and preferred by a larger audience by doing these workouts.
Begin strengthening your awesome gams today and see the increase in your fitness levels tomorrow.